The Gathered Community is a 501c3 non-profit organization. All donations are tax-deductible, and you will receive a giving statement at the end of the year. You can take the QR Code to your PayPal App on your Phone
Your contribution helps us in 2 ways.
1) The Gathered Community offers scholarships in varying amounts to those who desire to attend our events but are not financially able to do so.
2) The Gathered Community desires to offer retreats periodically, either online or in person, in which we would pay a speaker to offer their contemplative gifts to the community.
If you want your donation to go to a particular place, such as our training program or a particular expense, please make that note in the memo. If you aren't able to make a note or want to take to someone about how your gift might best help us, please email us and someone will contact you.
1) The Gathered Community offers scholarships in varying amounts to those who desire to attend our events but are not financially able to do so.
2) The Gathered Community desires to offer retreats periodically, either online or in person, in which we would pay a speaker to offer their contemplative gifts to the community.
If you want your donation to go to a particular place, such as our training program or a particular expense, please make that note in the memo. If you aren't able to make a note or want to take to someone about how your gift might best help us, please email us and someone will contact you.