Healing Hope
Call to me and I will answer, and I will tell you
great and hidden things that you have not known.
~Jeremiah 33:3
Walking the Journey
I Pause. Listen. Things seem to have shifted. Inside. A detour. A new path. A decision needs to be made. Get busy living. Or get busy dying. It’s not easy. To be restored to health. But a new wealth beckons.... Gratitude. Life. Being renewed. Please listen to your body. Your doctors. Those who love you. Trust God. Believe. Breathe. Your life is worth it. Your future invites you. There will be times of traveling... New path. New rhythm. New challenges It will be uncomfortable. You will be tired. Trust God. Believe. Breathe. The “C” word brings fear. Uncertainty. You can bring faith. Love. Hope. Persevere. Trust God. Believe. Breathe. You can do it. Life is worth it. I did. And you can too. ©2018 Becky Oates |
Becky Oates